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Fraxel is the original fractional laser treatment that works below the skin’s

surface from the top down, addressing imperfections like fine lines, visible

photo aging, wrinkles, scarring and age spots. Fraxel light energy stimulates

your skin’s natural collagen, rejuvenating skin cells below the surface to help

smooth the creases and pockets that cause wrinkles and scars. Fraxel only treats

targeted problem areas – so the results are focused and effective.


What is Fraxel?

Fraxel involves the use of the latest in skin care laser technology to purposefully

stimulate the body’s own restorative processes by controlled damage done to the

skin. Reaching deep into the skin’s second layer, the dermis, Fraxel helps to

stimulate the body’s restorative abilities and thus new collagen and skin is

formed. Older skin that is damaged is removed from beneath the epidermal

layer, the outermost area of skin. The process of controlled skin damage in small

areas which are separated by healthy skin allows for minimal healing time and

highly effective skin rejuvenation.


Who is a candidate for Fraxel?

For anyone suffering from age spots, effects of the environment such as sun

damage, acne scars, wrinkles near the eyes, and even melasma, or commonly

referred to as the “mask of pregnancy,” Fraxel is a great way to achieve clearer

and even more radiant looking skin. Other skin disorders such as pigmentation

issues and a need for skin resurfacing are effectively treated with Fraxel.

There are three types of Fraxel lasers: Fraxel re:fine, Fraxel re:store, and

Fraxel re:pair.


How is the Fraxel procedure performed?

Aesthetic physician begins treatment by cleansing the skin and applying a topical cream to numb the treatment area about an hour prior to treatment. This is to keep the patient comfortable during the procedure. The laser is then used to help the skin rejuvenate in the associated treatment area. The epidermis and dermis layers of the skin are treated, yet no visible damage is done to the epidermal layer of the skin. By only damaging specific areas of the skin, spread out over the area being treated, healthy and unaffected skin is left in tact to support the healing process and stimulate the body’s healing capacity. This results in the production of new collagen and even more radiant skin. Treatments usually conclude in about a half hour.


What should be expected during recovery from a Fraxel treatment?

After the treatment has concluded, the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, will remain undamaged while the deeper layer, the dermis, begins to heal. The patient may notice the appearance and discomfort of a sunburn and eventually a slight tanning or bronzing of the skin which begins to show in a few weeks depending on the skin type. The old skin cells will slough off and the skin will gradually repair itself, igniting new collagen development. The skin should be treated as a sunburn, keeping it moisturized and out of heavy sun exposure. Sunscreen and protective clothing is a good idea.

Patients can expect to return to daily activities right away or may require a bit more time to adjust. Makeup may be worn to help alleviate some of the redness to the skin if desired and if the skin is not too sensitive to the touch. Shaving may also be done if discomfort is minimal. Every patient’s skin is unique so different recovery times are normal.


When will results from Fraxel be apparent?

Results will usually begin to show in about two to three months post treatment, yet every patient’s skin type varies.


What is unique about Fraxel/ or CO2 laser?

By fractionally treating skin in specific areas, while leaving some skin unaffected nearby, Fraxel allows for an easier and less invasive procedure. Due to this approach to skin rejuvenation, the body’s healing response is enhanced and new collagen develops. Fraxel is a balanced laser treatment which allows for the high effectiveness of some other more invasive laser treatments while maintaining a shorter recovery time and fewer side effects.


Is Fraxel approved in the USA or Taiwan ?

The FDA has permitted the use of Fraxel in the USA and Taiwan for specific skin conditions. Approval is still pending for various other skin treatment options that Fraxel has been shown to treat with a high success rate. Age spots, acne scars, melasma, and wrinkles near the eyes are a few of the FDA approved conditions for treatment.


Most common contraindication/precautions to Fraxel treatment:

 #Active moderate to severe acne over treatment area

 #Use of isotretinoin (Accutane) within past 6 month

 #Eczema over treatment area


 #Rosacea moderate to severe

 #History of Keloids or hypertrophic scars

 #Unrealistic expectations

 #Uncontrolled psychiatric conditions (depression, anxiety, etc.)


 #Uncontrolled Diabetes

 #Immune compromised state (chemotherapy, uncontrolled HIV




Arrive at the office on time of your appointment and plan to be here for 2 hours.

 For any questions or concerns, call our office at (00886)2-87891276

  • If you are having a facial treatment you can either come without makeup, or you   

    will be asked to remove it when you arrive.

  • You will be red and notice the greatest amount of swelling on the morning after treatment. The intensity and duration of these side-effects depends on the aggressiveness of your treatment and how you heal. It is best not to schedule this treatment within two weeks of an engagement for which you have concern about your appearance.

  • Stop all active tanning, either from the sunshine or tanning booth, at least two

    weeks prior to treatment. There are no restrictions on the use of self-tanning products.

  • Do not have any laser or other light-based treatments until your series of Fraxel Laser Treatments is complete, unless approved by your our office.

  • Do not have a Microdermabrasion within 2 weeks of treatment. There is no need to “thin” the top layer of your skin prior to your treatment.

  • If you use products that contain glycolic acid, retinoids, or retinols; stop them 2

    weeks prior to treatment. Read the labels on all of your skin care products, including over-the-counter.

  • Plan to use non-irritating and non-clogging skin care products for the first week

    or so after treatment. Examples of brands that offer very gentle and inexpensive products that are ideal to use: Cetaphil®, Aveeno®, Dove®, Neutrogena®, and etc. Use a moisturizer that has SPF 30+ sunscreen in it.

  • If you take an oral medication for pain or anxiety, you will need someone to drive you home.

  • If you have a history of cold sores please advise us; you will need to take

   preventative medication.



 * Do not rub, scrub or exfoliate treatment area

 * Use ice packs (optional)

 * Sleep elevated first night

 * Keep area clean and keep clothing away to avoid irritation

 * Avoid vigorous exercise, perspiring, swimming, etc.

 * Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

 * Drink plenty of fluids

 * Resume normal skin care regimen if irritation not present

 * Strict adherence to sun protection

 * Use sunscreen (SPF 30+)

 * Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 3 months

 * Redness for 2-3 days: maximum on days 1-2

 * Bronzing (pigment transported to surface): days 1-4

 * Desquamation (removal of old skin): days 3-4

 Additional Post Care

 * Use bland moisturizer and mild cleanser (Cethaphil moisturizer and cethaphil    


 * Allow skin to heal; do not rub, scrub or exfoliate

If you develop any unusual reaction please call our office ASAP.

Disclaimer: This information is intended only as an introduction to this procedure. This information should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor does it guarantee results of your elective procedure. Further details regarding surgical standards and procedures should be discussed with your physician.










●請加強防曬,並請務必使用SPF30以上之產品(結痂時不建議用含 vit C , L-Ascorbic acid成分)







諮詢專線 : (00886)-2-87891276 
LINE ID : 87891276
服務地址 : 
  • Facebook - Black Circle
  • Instagram - Black Circle
營業時間 (預約制) Appointment  :
11:00 至 19:00   
週四 10 : 00 至 16 : 00                   


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